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  • 25 May 2012 12:46 PM | Deleted user

    Shuttle Bus from Bear to There


    Tom Kneipp, Park Ranger, Bear Creek Lake State Park

    Click to enlargeIn the early 20th century, some of the great National Parks, out west, used shuttle buses to move visitors to the various panoramic sites, even to other National Parks. Some visitors had arrived by train and so needed transportation, and also the shuttle was a way to avoid vehicle congestion at popular sites. National Parks like the Grand Canyon and Denali make routine use of shuttles to protect pristine environments. So expand your horizons! Explore a new world, and leave the driving to us!

    A shuttle will be available at Bear Creek Lake State Park on Saturday June 2, 2012 to take hikers to several points along the Willis River Trail, in the Cumberland State Forest, so that they can hike back to the Park. This will allow them to avoid either backtracking to return to the Park, or using two vehicles to get back and forth.

    The Willis River Trail is a wonderful 16 mile linear trail developed by the Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club. It winds through several distinct ecosystems found in the piedmont. It is a recreational gem waiting to be enjoyed. The BCL Shuttle will let folks off at three and six mile points up the trail, further by request. A Park Volunteer will act as a "sweep" to ensure folks get going the correct way. While it is regularly maintained, it is still a narrow hiking trail. Its use is for prepared hikers who have some experience. The terrain does not have long steep grades, but will involve some unlevel terrain on slopes and creek crossings with banks. If you like to hike and want to discover the Willis River Trail, this is a good introduction.

    On Sunday, the shuttle will take BCLSP visitors on a day trip to High Bridge Trail State Park. We will let folks off at a parking lot about a mile or so from the iconic High Bridge itself. After a couple hours visiting this "rails to trails" Park, we'll shuttle folks back to Bear Creek Lake, stopping at both the campground and the cabin area.

    There is a $5 per person fee for the shuttle (family rates available), and spaces are limited. For more information and to register for a seat, contact the Park Office at 804-492-4410, or bearcreek@dcr.virginia.gov.

  • 15 May 2012 8:48 PM | Deleted user
    Federal authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the death of A.T. hiker Scott Lilly in Virginia last summer. If you have any information please contact the FBI tip line at (800) 261-1044.

    See details here:
  • 15 May 2012 8:27 PM | Deleted user
    I’m happy to introduce you to CureSearch for Children’s Cancer’s new endurance hike program, Ultimate Hike. Ultimate Hike is new to the greater Richmond area and we need your help!

    Ultimate Hike provides an opportunity for participants to accomplish a once in a lifetime goal and a challenging adventure in a spectacular natural setting, while making new friends and supporting CureSearch and children’s cancer research. CureSearch for Children’s Cancer is a national non-profit foundation whose mission is to fund and support children’s cancer research and provide information and resources to all those touched by children’s cancer.

    The 2012 Richmond Ultimate Hike will be a trip to remember while hiking in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia in October!

    Here’s where we need you! We are currently recruiting Hike Coaches to work with the CureSearch staff to run information sessions, organize group training hikes and work with hikers to teach them more about hiking, equipment, hydration, staying motivated and much more as hikers prepare for their exciting journey.

    Anyone who is interested in learning more about becoming a Hike Coach can reach me at (301) 650-2419 or Stacy.McPhate@CureSearch.org. Please visit www.ultimatehike.org/richmond to learn more!

  • 06 May 2012 8:11 AM | Deleted user
    The ATC is looking for more volunteer Natural Resource monitors! We are in need of rare plant monitors and phenology monitors. For those of you unfamiliar, phenology is the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate. While rare plant monitoring requires specific knowledge of the species and area being monitored, phenology offers a broader monitoring platform for beginners and advanced monitors alike.
    We currently have 37 Rare Plant areas along the AT in Southwest and Central Virginia, of which only 15 of are being monitored. We will also have at least 5 phenology sites on the AT in Southwest and Central Virginia. These sites will hopefully be officially designated within the next month.
    The ATC will be conducting two workshops along the trail in Southwest Virginia this year to provide training for interested volunteers. The first will be held at the Konnarock Base Camp in Sugar Grove, VA on May 23, 2012. The other will likely be held either in the Roanoke area or North of there. The workshops will run the length of a day and will be divided into two sections. One half of the day will be dedicated to Rare Plant Monitoring, while the other half will be spent on Phenology monitoring. Attached is a flier for the workshop being held in Sugar Grove, VA.
    Also note that I am still looking for a place to host the workshop either in the Roanoke area or North of there. So if you have a suggestion, I would welcome any input you may have.
    Please pass this information along to anyone whom you may think is interested in becoming a volunteer monitor this season. All questions may be directed to myself via e-mail or phone. Please find my contact information below.

    Shane Sheldon
    Resource Management Technician
    Appalachian Trail Conservancy
    110 Southpark Drive
    Blacksburg, VA 24060

    Office: 540.953.3571
    Fax: 540.552.4376

    The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to preserve and manage the Appalachian Trail – ensuring that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come. To become a member, volunteer, or learn more, visit www.appalachiantrail.org.
  • 04 May 2012 11:51 AM | David

    RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – The “biggest” Full Moon of this year will occur this Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 11:34 p.m. EDT. On Saturday, the Moon will be closest to the Earth in its orbit, which is called the “perigee,” and thus appear ever-so-slightly larger to viewers on Earth. At a distance of 221,802 miles from Earth, this marks the closest approach to us as the Moon orbits around the Earth in an elliptical path, not an exact circle.
  • 26 Apr 2012 11:28 AM | Deleted user

    The latest copy of the club's newsletter has been posted to the web site.  Please check out the May/June 2012 Walker under the Newsletter Menu item.

    Thanks Katie for all your hard work putting this together!

  • 26 Apr 2012 8:42 AM | Anonymous

    After participating in the beginers overnight hike I feel ready to take on the trail. Thanks to all the leaders who made this hike a stress free hike knowing that I was in good hands. Prior to finding this wonderful group I had decided to beging section hiking the AT. So now with the right equipment and  year long training. I will hike the southern section of the SNP from Swift Gap to Rocckfish Gap. I plan to begin on May 5th and hike out on Tuesday. Marina will join me for the 1st day and half . I have an acquantinance comming from Missouri also joining me . I will post pictures and comments on FB once we have returned. My plan is 44 miles but thats just a plan =)

    My bigger goal is to hike the lenght of SNP by the end of the fall

  • 25 Apr 2012 10:56 AM | David
    Hi, I plan on hiking south of Rockfish Gap each of the following weekends:  April 27-29, May 4-6, May 11-13.  I will be parking at Rockfish Gap in front of the old restuarant and then hiking into the Wolfe shelter on Friday, maybe late , i.e., after dark.  then hiking south and camping some where (maybe even coming back to Wolfe to camp Sat nite) so that I will have no more than 15 miles to hike back to Rockfish Gap on Sunday.  I am coming form the Highland Springs area if anyone was to join me.  My email isDavid.L.Atkinson.Jr@gmail.com, we can discuss details.  NOTE: I like to explore side trials so I will not be hiking all day but I am an early riser and like to be on the trail by 6:30am or earlier.

  • 21 Apr 2012 8:11 AM | Deleted user

    Club members can check out the latest club miles posted under the members only section of the website after loggin in.

    Thanks Randy for preparing this!

  • 21 Apr 2012 7:50 AM | Deleted user

    The Appalachian Trail Conference and Arcadia Publishing are pleased to announce the release of ODATC member Leonard M. Adkins' 17th book, Along the Appalachian Trail: Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. This is a companion book to his other ATC/Arcadia Press publication,  Along Virginia’s Appalachian Trail.

    Selected from the archives of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the National Park Service, and local Appalachian Trail maintaining clubs, the approximately 200 vintage photographs in each book provide a look at life in the mountains before and during the trail’s creation, how it came into being, who its early champions were, the many relocations the trail has experienced, and the volunteers who have constructed and maintained it.

    Along the Appalachian Trail: Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee contains never-before-published photographs of the trail's first terminus atop Mt. Oglethorpe, the early route to Springer Mountain, the trail's former route in the Nanatahalas and western Smokies, and places the trail has been rerouted from in Tennessee and North Carolina. The heretofore unpublished photographs in Along Virginia’s Appalachian Trail include scenes from McAfee Knob in the early part of the 20th century and the trail's original route along what is now the Blue Ridge Parkway, in addition to chronicling ODATC's Wintergreen relocation in the 1980s.

    A donation is automatically made to ATC from the sale of either book, but Leonard will make an additional donation if ordered through his website www.habitualhiker.com.

    Leonard has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail five times, walked more than 19,000 miles in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and the Caribbean, and is the author of 17 books about the outdoors and travel, including six concerning the trail. He has aided the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in identifying and protecting rare and endangered plants by being a Natural Heritage Monitor and a ridgerunner. He has also been on the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club’s and Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club's Boards of Directors and a volunteer maintainer of a trail section near McAfee Knob. He is currently The Hike columnist for Blue Ridge Country, walks and hikes blogger for www.richmondoutside.com, and a field editor for the Thru-Hikers' Companion.

Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (c). 
P.O. Box 25283 
Richmond, VA 23260-5283
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