Education Resources
The Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club is committed to helping educators, youth leaders and others to develop environmental awareness in today’s youth through trail based recreation, experiential learning and stewardship activities.
As first described by Richard Louv in his book "Last Child in the Woods" (, and subsequently written about by Pamela Underhill in her article "Our Children" in the Sept - Oct 2007 issue of AT Journeys, there is an increasing tendency for people to become “disconnected from the rhythms of the natural world.” With decreasing opportunities for outdoor recreation and environmental education in school’s K – 12 programs, young people are particularly at risk. To help reverse this trend, ODATC has created a compendium of teacher training resources; program funding resources, volunteer resources for assisting with trail based experiential learning activities as well as contact information for potential third party partners.
For information on ODATC’s Outreach Education Program, or to volunteer or otherwise support this program, please contact David Grimes at