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Club Activities

Members may upload photos for viewing by everyone.  To upload the photos, click the <Upload Photos> button and then the <Choose File> buttons (up to 5 images may be selected at a time), browse on your local computer to locate and select the image(s), and then click on the <upload> button.  

After the images are uploaded, a caption to the photo may be optionally entered or the photo can be deleted. To add a caption, click on the image in the album and then click the link underneath the photo that says "Add Caption".

To delete the photo, click on the photo in the album and click the <Delete photo> button.
<< All album photos 128/137 photos
ODATCers at Dutch Gap

Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (c). 
P.O. Box 25283 
Richmond, VA 23260-5283
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