November 14-18: Prince William Forest Camping Up to four nights camping in the Prince William Forest's Oak Ridge Campground. Campsites will have to be reserved in advance. I have reserved site B-16 and there seems to be some good sites near there. You may be able to share a campsite or tent with someone else. And you are welcome to stay as many nights as meets your schedule. The campground has heated bathrooms with flush toilets and showers. Visit for Park information. On Thursday Nov 14th there will be a scheduled day hike of the park trails. Then depending on the interest of the campers there are other activities and hikes available such as visiting Arlington Cemetery, the Washington Mall, the Marine Museum, and Mount Vernon. Or hikes such as Great Falls, Mason Neck State Park, or Crow's Nest Preserve. This activity is limited to 12 participants and each vehicle will need to have a Park Pass or pay an online entrance fee. Updates as we get closer to the date. To register or for additional information, contact Howard Davis,
The ODATC Mission
The construction and maintenance of foot trails for hikers, including the Appalachian Trail between Reids Gap and Rockfish Gap.
The provision of excursions on such trails or other areas.
Offering educational activities related to the need for preserving the great outdoors.
Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (c). P.O. Box 25283 Richmond, VA 23260-5283 Contact us