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Prince William Forest Park

  • 28 Sep 2021
  • 01 Oct 2021
  • Prince William Forest Park

Tuesday, Sept 28-Friday, October 1, Prince William Forest Park Camp-Out

We will meet at the parking lot just outside of Oak Ridge Campground for an approximately 7 -8 mile hike on the trails at the park. There is a Park entrance fee, or free with National Park pass.  The trails are flat to moderate and could be muddy in spots. The park is located approximately 70 miles north of Richmond off of Exit 150 at 18170 Park Entrance Rd, Triangle, VA (follow Park signage on I-95 to the park and  then signage in the park to the campground).  Bring water, snack and lunch for after the hike.  Also, there is an option to camp with other ODATC members who will be there Sept 28-Oct 1 (Tues-Friday).  Contact Jenni for details and campsite options close to other members.

Reserve a campsite at Oak Ridge Campground and join other ODATC members for camping in Prince William Forest Park located north of Fredericksburg off I-95 Exit 150.  Enjoy hiking trails and bike riding within the park and the National Museum of the Marine Corps is nearby for additional exploration.  Campsites have picnic tables and fire rings; two tents per site; a bathhouse with hot showers.  We’ll look to be in the C and B Loop although there are plenty of camping spots for more privacy.  Contact Jenni Pendergrass (804-221-3226 or jennipendergrass55@gmail.com) for more information or questions.  Jenni has offered her site (C-11) as the meetup site for evening fires and hot dog grilling.  Your National Park Pass provides entrance fee and half off your camping site.

Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (c). 
P.O. Box 25283 
Richmond, VA 23260-5283
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